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Security Guard Training

Today, security guard jobs are currently on the list of high-demand jobs. This gives you the perfect opportunity to get hired but of course, you should first meet the necessary training requirements. In the US, it is important for you to know that security guard training requirements differs from one state to another. While on some other countries, they simply follow one similar recognized security guard training requirements.

There are actually different specific jobs for security guards. They could get assigned to guard banks, malls, airports, schools and etc... And depending on the type of job assigned to them, it is important that they have the necessary training in those particular field.

Security Guard Duties and Responsibilities

Every establishments that requires protection importantly needs security officers. It is actually their main duty and responsibility to protect the area assigned to them. Thus, their role plays great importance which is the reason why security job is always one of the most popular high demand job today.

Security Guard Training

Commercial establishments often employ a lot of security guards for protection against thieves. Airports also have a lot of employed security guards to ensure illegal travelers. Schools also needs them and so as other private properties that requires protection. In general, there is always the need for someone who keeps a close watch for the security of a certain property.

Security Guard Job Descriptions

As mentioned above, security guards have different duties and responsibilities assigned to them depending on the area that they have been assigned. There are those who are assigned to carry out "patrol" duties. They usually go around the premises of the area for security inspection. On the other hand, there are those who simply stays on "stationary position". They will simply stay on-guard on one specific important spot such as the main-entrance.

Aside from the duty as either patrol or stationary guards, their job description can also be classified as either armed and unarmed security guards. Armed security guards are those who carries along with them firearms while on duty. However, they will be assigned at a much dangerous area that involves risks such as on banking institutions. As for the unarmed security guards, they don't need firearms because they will be assigned at a place with minimal risks such as at school campuses.

Here are the other following basic job descriptions that are commonly involved for security guard jobs;

1. Identify and Prevent Risks

The main priority of security guard officers is to ensure the safety of the people or assets of their guarded territories. So throughout the time of their duties, they are always on-alert trying to identify and prevent any possible risks that may occur.

2. Prevent Criminal Activity

Security guards also works the same way as police officers. The only difference between them is that, security guards have limited jurisdiction which is within the private property compounds assigned to them. In most cases, they will be dealing against thieves.

3. Provide Assistance to the Police Enforcement

If a certain criminal incident occurred on a place guarded by security guards, it is included on their duties and responsibilities to provide assistance to the police enforcement in dealing with the problem.

4. Assists People During Emergency Situation

During emergency situations, security guards must be willing to provide assistance to the people who are in need of their help.

Applying for Security Guard Jobs

When applying for a security guard job, there's a very good chance that you will surely land a job on this field of industry due to the reason that it is extremely on high-demand. Although, you must have completed proper training and have the necessary qualifications for the job. Take note, the training requirements varies which depends on your geographical location.

There are actually two general options when applying for a security guard job. It can either be directly from the company or agencies.

1. Private Companies

Applying directly to a private company offers the best option as they offer good amount of salary. However, they mostly require high qualifications preferably with those who already have experiences.

2. Security Guard Company Agencies

Newly trained security guards have good chances finding a job through the help of Security Guard Company Agencies. These agencies will be the one who will find the job that fits the qualification of the a certain candidate.

Required Security Guard License

In the US, there are some states that requires Security Guard License before you can apply for a job. It's because through this license, it proves the reliability of the person that he or she is properly trained.

Some states that requires security guard license are in California and Illinois. The state of California issues a "Guard Card" which guarantees that the holder of the license have successfully passed fingerprint scan for background check. This process goes to the same in Illinois but instead of Guard Card, they call it "PERC Card".

Anyway, the majority of states doesn't require security guard license.

Armed and Unarmed Security Guard Training

As stated above, security guards can be classified as "Armed" and "Unarmed". Armed security guards are those who possess license or permit to carry their firearms. They have also undergone the necessary training procedure in proper handling of their weapons. While for the unarmed security officers, they usually carry along with them their baton.

Armed security guards actually receives a better pay as compared to those unarmed officers. Other than a higher pay they also have better opportunities. It's because once they have successfully completed their weapon handling training and passed their examinations, this will open up more security guard positions for them that requires firearms permit.

Security Guard Training Offered Online

Staying at the comfort of your home while undergoing a security guard training online could be a good and convenient option. Although, most online training are designed for the most basic and entry-level courses only. So in order to upgrade to an advance level, you still need to attend an actual program that offers complete training facilities.

Furthermore, security guard training online aren't recognized by most states. Only few states accepts them and it must be a "state-certified" program. So choose wisely.

Security Guards with Military Background

If you have military background or law enforcement experience, most states no longer requires you to undergo a security guard training. In fact, most companies that needs high-security on their assets prefers candidates with military background. It's because with your military or law enforcement background, you surely possess the required traits of being a highly qualified security guard officer.

Overall, the key to landing a good security guard job is by having the necessary training required that could satisfy the security of the clients.

FAQs about Security Guard Training

1. What is security guard training?

Security guard training is a process of preparing individuals for the role of a security guard. It involves learning about the responsibilities, duties, and legal requirements of being a security guard, as well as developing the necessary skills to perform the job effectively.

2. What are the requirements for becoming a security guard?

The requirements for becoming a security guard vary depending on the state and employer. Generally, you must be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent, pass a background check, and complete a security guard training program.

3. What topics are covered in security guard training?

Topics covered in security guard training typically include laws and regulations, emergency response procedures, observation and reporting, public relations, and communication skills. Additional topics may include access control, conflict resolution, and first aid.

4. How long does security guard training typically last?

The length of security guard training varies depending on the state and the type of training program. Some programs may be completed in a few days, while others may last several weeks.

5. Do all states require security guard training?

No, not all states require security guard training. However, many states do have training requirements that must be met before an individual can become a licensed security guard.

6. What types of certifications are available for security guards?

There are several certifications available for security guards, including the Certified Protection Officer (CPO), the Certified Security Supervisor (CSS), and the Certified in Security Supervision and Management (CSSM) certification.

7. Can I complete security guard training online?

Yes, many security guard training programs are available online. However, some states may require a certain amount of in-person training, so it's important to check the specific requirements in your state.

8. What is the cost of security guard training?

The cost of security guard training varies depending on the program and the state. Some programs may be free or low-cost, while others may cost several hundred dollars.

9. Can I receive financial aid for security guard training?

It depends on the program and the state. Some programs may offer financial aid or scholarships, while others may not.

10. What is the job outlook for security guards?

The job outlook for security guards is generally positive, with employment expected to grow in the coming years. Security guards are needed in a variety of industries, including retail, healthcare, and hospitality.

11. What are the duties of a security guard?

The duties of a security guard may vary depending on the employer and the specific job. Generally, security guards are responsible for monitoring and patrolling a designated area, responding to emergencies, and reporting any suspicious activity.

12. What are the most important skills for a security guard?

The most important skills for a security guard include strong observation skills, the ability to communicate effectively, good judgement and decision-making skills, and the ability to respond to emergencies calmly and quickly.

13. How can I prepare for a career as a security guard?

To prepare for a career as a security guard, you can start by researching the requirements in your state and finding a training program that meets those requirements. You can also work on developing the necessary skills, such as observation, communication, and decision-making skills.

14. What are the benefits of completing security guard training?

Completing security guard training can provide several benefits, including better job opportunities, higher pay, and increased job security. It can also help you develop important skills that can be applied in other areas of your life.

15. Can I advance my career as a security guard?

Yes, there are opportunities for advancement in the security industry, such as becoming a supervisor or manager. Additional training and certifications can also help you advance your career as a security guard.


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