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Background Check Done When Applying for a Security Guard Job

Now a days, background check for a security guard job is almost being done by the majority of employers. It is actually one of the most vital criteria as a basis if you are the right person for the position. This is also the main reason why you should not fake information on your resume because they will surely find out the truth.

Background checks for a security guard job depends on several different factors but something that are related for the position that you are trying to apply. So if you are applying as a security guard at a certain banking institution, the background checks that will be carried are more focused on your well-being. They have to ensure that you do not have any criminal records or any other issues that are related to violence, thieving and misconduct.

When I applied for a position of security guard at a school campus, they did run an assessment on my personal background.

They literally even went to my parents, friends and previous work places just to ask them about my behavior. They really made sure that I am a good and reliable person.

I was not actually even aware about it until some of my friends started messaging me if I got the job or not.

They really didn’t cared much about my educational background and training though.

What if you have a Criminal Record?

If you have a criminal record and you are applying for a security job, you may have some difficulty especially when you are trying to fill a position where you will be armed. It is always natural for every employer to give you a huge doubts even if you have already completely change as a new individual.

But, never lose hope.

There are so many security jobs out there where you can have your own rightful spot. Just to mention one among them are those guards at the hotel. They are unarmed and their jobs mostly involve opening and closing the door for the customers. And also, listing the names of the guests.

I do have a friend on the same profession who got anger management issue. It was for this reason why it took him a lot of attempts before he finally land on his first job as a security guard officer.

Almost every company immediately turned him down when they knew about his record regarding violence due to his hot temper.

But as a new person who has undergone anger management treatment, he can actually do the job.

Well, he never gave up until a small grocery shop hired him. This allowed him to gain experience in which he added on his resume.

When he transferred to another better and high paying position, his previous experience overlapped his bad record. The employer probably thought that, he already got years of working experience which means that he is completely reliable.

Educational Background and Training Assessment

Some companies requiring strict security to their asset would require officers who can offer their services at a very satisfying result. In short, they want professional security guards.

The pay for this kind of job is very high but it could be very exhausting and challenging.

Let’s say that you applied for the position because you have a computer degree and of course, you have completed your security guard training.

The employer will perform a background check by asking questions relating about computers which you must be able to answer correctly. Or, you will be given a questionnaire and an answer sheet where you must get a passing score for the test.

And that’s not all. Some companies would even go to the extent of performing an actual assessment. They may let you sit in-front of a computer and setup the CCTV cameras on your own.

They did this to us when I worked as one of the security officers of a wealthy and political figure person.

Moreover, there is really nothing to worry about background checks as long as you really got the knowledge, skill and experience about that position that you are aiming to apply.


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