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How to Become an Armed Security Guard?

If you choose to become an armed security guard, you need to undergo the required training requirements of handling firearms. This actually includes additional training hours that will teach you how to handle your firearm properly and safely. Once you have completed your training, you will be issued a license or permit to carry your firearm.

Armed security guard training programs differs from one state to another so as the number of hours for the training to be completed. But regardless of their differences, all training involves physical and mental assessments to make sure if you are fit or suited to carry a firearm or not.

Armed Guard

Advantage of an Armed Security Guard

There are actually several advantages of an armed security guard as compared to those unarmed. This is the main reason why most security guards prefer to undergo the additional intensive training program of armed security guard in order to acquire the license to carry a firearm.

Simply carrying a firearm alone while on duty can minimize dangerous situations. Any bad guy who is attempting to commit a crime will have to think twice when an armed security guard is on patrol. At some point, there are also some instances of a certain dangerous situation that a firearm could help resolve the incident.

Aside from minimizing dangerous risks, the best advantage of an armed security officer is that, you get a higher pay. You also have better job opportunities for career advancement. To tell you, there is actually a larger demand for the armed security guards as compared to the unarmed.

Firearms Training that are to be Learned

Once you enrolled an armed security guard training, you will get to learn weapon retention, self defense and the important laws that you need to know about the use of your firearm.

When it comes to "Weapon Retention", this is actually all about keeping your firearm safe at all possible times while on duty. You surely don't want your firearm get stolen from you just to be used against you. Thus, the training involves retaining your weapon at all possible times especially during at dangerous situations.

Aside from weapon retention, you will also get to learn about "Self Defense". This involve a physical training on defending yourself against an attacker with or without your firearm.

As for the "Laws", there are some rules that you need to follow on how you carry and use your firearm. Take note, these rules do vary from one state to another. But most importantly, these are rules that are not meant just for you to memorize and pass the test. These are rules meant to be followed and applied out in the field to keep everyone safe from dangerous situations.

Enrolling for an Armed Security Guard Training Program

Anyone who already have previous background of military or police training are exempted from taking an armed security guard training program. If you are one of them then all you just have to do is to register from your designated state to obtain your license.

On the other hand, you need to enroll an armed security guard training program that meets the required training hours of your state.

General Requirements for an Armed Security Guard

1. Applicant must be at least 18 years old of age and above

If your age falls below 18 then you are automatically not qualified.

2. Letter of Intent from the Hiring Security Company

You need to have a letter of intent from the hiring Security Company which clearly states your duties such as the date that you will be hired and the location where you will be assigned.

3. Proof of Background Check

You can obtain a form of background check into your State's Bureau of Investigation. This will prove that you have good or outstanding background for the hiring Security Company.

4. Health Certificate

It is important that your health certificate shows that you are free from any serious health problems especially issues that will affect your ability to perform your duties. This health certificate must be issued by a licensed physician doctor.

5. Social Security Card Number

Most States requires armed security guard applicants to submit a valid social security card number.

Moreover, all applications to become an armed security guard are all processed through your state's Bureau of Security or Department of Justice.


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