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What You Need to Know about Being an Armed Security Guard?

Being an armed security guard actually have some huge differences to those that are unarmed. If you are armed then it means that you have the license to carry a weapon while on duty as a security officer. 

With that license, you will find that you have better options at finding jobs with good pay.

I actually started as an unarmed security guard until on my second year of experience where I finally decided to do some upgrade. This was to take a license to carry a firearm which will allow me to apply for a better position and salary.

So I took the additional training that are required which is more about handling, shooting and, proper care of your weapon.

Types of jobs that you can apply

When it comes to the jobs, you are looking into a line of work that is more of a challenge than just standing on the entrance like what most unarmed security guards do. An armed officer usually need to go on patrol around their premises and even go travel along with their assets.

If you have some good military or police background then you have huge chances of being employed for the State or Federal government. I did tried once to apply as a security guard to serve the government but I failed because the competition was too high. 

There were so many military veterans who had actual experiences in handling weapons which gave them more priority.

Speaking more about the government, there are some politicians who also recruit armed security guards for themselves and their families. 

You have to know that politicians are among the top individuals being targeted by hired assassins. Since they really want some guarantee to their security, they would strictly choose only the perfect candidate.

Wealthy people also needs security because of their money. Just like politicians, they want security for them and their families. As their security guards, your main objective is to keep them safe from being kidnapped and robbery.

Another good job that you can land as an armed security guard are on banks. This financial companies needs a team of officers capable of handling their own weapon to prevent any thefts from attempting to do bank robberies.

Mentioned above are only a few of the institutions who are in need of armed security guards. But, there is one thing that I would like to remind you. 

Since you are armed, this means that you will be assigned at a working environment where there are possible danger where you may be forced to use your weapon.

Such kind of risk is the reason why I left my job as an armed security guard and I went back from being an unarmed officer.

I know that the pay is good but I cannot afford to take the risk especially when you have a family to take care and relying on you.

The necessary training you must have

When I was still working as an armed security guard, I remembered the time when there was a new recruit. As we observed him, something was wrong.

The rookie doesn’t know how to properly handle and care for his firearm which was very dangerous. Perhaps, a slight mistake of his carelessness could cause us an unnecessary accident.

As his fellow officers, we tried to help him but we never expected that he has a lot of things to learn. It was like he never attended a security guard training course. 

Thus, we filed a complaint which got him relieved from his position.

The lesson here is that, it is very important that you should choose the school that can really provide you the necessary training that you need.

So when it comes to armed security guard training course, you need to become familiar with all the different types of weapons being handled by most security officers on their field of work.

You will get a lot of shooting range practice which I did enjoyed when I was training.

One of the most challenging part of the training is understanding how your weapon exactly works. This include disassembling it and reassembling it back again correctly. 

We even had a competition on this to determine how really familiar you are with your weapon.

Lastly are handling and proper care or maintenance.

It is actually a daily routine that you have to properly care and maintain your weapon to ensure that it is completely operational at a time that you need to use it. You really do not want your firearm to malfunction at a time you needed it most.

Extensive criminal background check

Even if you have all the necessary requirements to apply as an armed security guard, you may still not get hired for the job if you have a criminal record or criminal history

It sounds like a part of the requirement that the recruitment agency or company does not usually put on their job description.

If it happens that you are one among them then, don’t get disappointed yet. It’s because there are some companies who will still conduct further background check.

You will be asked to undergo a drug test and psychological evaluation. Depending on this assessment, it’s what going to dictate if you are fit for the position regardless of the previous criminal record that you already have.


Being an armed security guard is a very serious line of work because you have a lot of responsibilities. Aside from that is the risk involve. 

Thus, it is important that you always have the presence of mind where you should be able to think and act fast especially at a certain situation that requires your attention. And these can only be attained through appropriate security guard training.


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