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Duties of a Security Guard Assigned on Business Establishments

Majority of security guards are being hired by business establishments because the owners wanted to protect their assets. Without someone with the right training and education to perform this job, there won’t be anyone who are willing to put their money on a business with so much risk of no security at all.

Would you like to run a business where thieves can just easily come and go? You definitely do not. Unless, you live on a place composed of honest and good people.

Now, when it comes to business establishments, security guards do have varied duties. They can be assigned to guard an important person, item, property and securing the area.

In most cases, majority of the security guards working on a business establishment is to prevent thieves.

Guarding the Entry and Exit


Majority of the assigned duty to security guards employed at business establishments is to guard and secure all possible entries and exit. Their main objective is to make sure that all individuals which includes the employees and visitors must have their “proper authorization” before they can get inside the establishment’s premises.

Employees do have their own Identification Card or ID and perhaps, proper uniform. This will allow the security guards with very little inspection before they are permitted to get inside. But for guests or visitors, they may be required to sign-in some of their personal information on the record book. And, they will be issued a temporary ID to gain entry.

Although, business establishments particularly shopping malls do not require their customers to fill their names on the security guard’s record book. However, they may have to swipe your body with their hand-held metal detector to make sure that you are not carrying a weapon.

If it happens that the metal detector picked-up something inside your pockets and bag then you have to present that item to the officer to make sure that it can’t be used as a threat.

In most cases, large size bags are not allowed where you have to leave them under the care of the security guards. You can get them back when you are going to leave the establishment.

Guiding Visitors to their Intended Locations


Large business establishments are composed of several floors and rooms that you will surely have a hard time trying to search for the right location that you intend to pay a visit. So in some cases, the security officer will have to ask you “where exactly are you going?” and he or she will give you the proper directions.

But on some establishments, there are already receptionists who does the job of providing all the necessary information they need to their clients or visitors. A type of job that a security officer can also handle.

Anyway, it is an important aspect that security guards must be aware with the entire premises and compound of the establishment that they are guarding. This gives them the duty of directing people around to their designated destinations.

Patrolling the Entire Premises

Security Patrol

Another important duty of a security guard is to patrol the entire premises of the business establishment that they are guarding. In most cases, they will write on their record book the situation of the area regardless if there is an accident or nothing ever happened.

They could constantly patrol and rove the area if they are enforcing high-security. But at a minimum level, they just usually rove the area at certain interval period of time.

Roving the area requires them to check every corners of all the places to ensure that everything is okay and normal. This is actually what prevents and enables them to prevent thieves from trespassing and stealing.

Security guards on patrol duty may travel using a vehicle or on foot. On a large compound, vehicles are needed for them to cover all areas at a short period of time. But when inside a structure, they have to use their foot.

Prevent Private Property Damage


On this world that we live today, there are still many people with no manners and respect. Worst, they do love to inflict damages to their surroundings which is best referred as “vandalism”.

Vandalism is a violent act of certain individuals where their goal is to damage properties. The most common way of vandalizing properties is by the use of spray paint. But, worst of all is when they commit “arson”. This is when they set the properties on fire.

Thus, business establishments who are situated on such a very unfortunate place requires their security guards to be alert and prevent vandalism and arson.

This is one among the toughest duties of security guards because their failure could put the lives of many individuals working on the establishment. And, it also includes themselves.

Maintain Order and Reduce Conflicts

Business establishments where people can gather and hang around are the ones that are always at risk where conflicts can build up. Disco bars, night clubs and etc… are just some among these places.

Aside from inspecting every customers that are getting inside, security guards also have the duty to observe everyone. When they see that something is wrong and an argument is heating up between their customers, they should immediately intervene to prevent any possible conflicts which can result into chaos.


If it happens that things got out of hand, they should still be able to do their job by trying to maintain the order and reduce the conflicts at all possible costs.

Monitoring the Security Cameras

Security Camera

Thanks to security cameras which makes the patrolling or roving job of security officers less hassle. They don’t literally have to travel long distances just to inspect a certain room or location. Through security cameras installed all over the place, they can easily track all areas that they are guarding in just one room of their own.

All they have to do is to sit in front of all the monitor screens and observe for any suspicious or unusual occurrences that may happen. If it happens that they saw someone lurking at a certain location where no one is supposedly allowed, they will immediately contact their fellow buddies to go on that area.

Keeping Everyone under Control

Any business establishments can be easily targeted by an act of terrorism. The news is already full of stories about bomb threats which just don’t happen to business establishments but also on many other places which even include school and universities.

Aside from terrorism, accidents and natural calamity such as fire and earthquakes can also happen. If an event like this happens, people just naturally tends to panic which is a wrong thing to do. Anyway, this is the part where security officers have to do their part of controlling the crowd.


It is their duty to keep everyone calm down as they attempt to help everyone according to the emergency procedure that they prepared for the particular disaster.


Working as a security guard on a certain business establishment can be quite complicated as it seems especially when an unexpected event that rarely happen just suddenly occurred. As a result, you may be faced with a certain situation that you never encountered before.

Moreover, all duties that are covered on this post are what you should commonly expect to perform as a security officer on a business establishments.


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