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Security Guard Gear | Important Gear to Consider

It is basically important for security guards to carry several gears while on their duty. These are necessary the tools and equipment that they can use to fulfill their rightful duties.

Here are the following recommended gears that a security officer should always consider carrying while on duty;

First Aid Kit

If you are assigned at a place with a lot of people around involve such as at the malls, you will most likely encounter people who tends to get accidentally injured especially kids. As a person with authority figure in the middle of the huge crowd, they will surely call and ask for your help.

With a small-medical kit on your hand, you can immediately tend into their injuries and then be able to get back into your post right away. What would you do if you do not have a medical kit along with you?

Record Book

It is actually required for every security guard to have their own Record Book or Log Book. You will be writing detailed but short reports of what's happening around your "area of responsibility" for every certain interval period of time. Anyway, this subject will be tackled as a part of your security guard training program.


If you have undergone armed security training program and possess the required permit to carry your firearm, then you should carry it while on duty.

Carrying your firearm even if it simply stays in its holster right on your belt can actually help minimize dangerous situations. No one would surely dare to cause trouble knowing that a security officer with a deadly weapon is just around the corner.

If at some point that you came across a certain dangerous situation that you have to draw your weapon out, you have to make sure that you will abide by the laws and other procedures that you learned from your training. Otherwise, your actions can be used against you from the trial court.

Security Guard Baton

Some security guards are not fit to handle firearms so the best options for them is to carry a security guard baton. Simply carrying it around on your belt while on duty gives the same impression as carrying a handgun.

However, most states requires a completion of training that specializes in baton handling before you are allowed to carry one of these equipment while on duty. In fact some companies will require completion of baton handling training as their preferred security guards.

Mobile Phone

You will be communicating with your other fellow security guards through those classic walkie-talkies or other radio devices in updating the current situation of your assigned area. But, the importance of always having a mobile phone with you is to call the proper authorities in terms of serious emergencies such as fire accidents.

It is best suggested that you should collect all numbers from various authorities near your area and program them on your phone. Much better if you can program them with Speed Dial so that you can easily call them in times of help.

Digital Camera

The importance of having a digital camera is for you to capture events especially crime incidents. Through those photos or videos that you will be able to capture, you can best describe the incident that took place especially when it happens that you will be called to testify on court.

Security Guard Belt

Security guard belts are designed to help you organize your equipment for easy accessibility. So in case that somebody needs medical attention then you surely know where to grab your first-aid kit.

Pepper Spray

Pepper sprays aren't just for women who needs protection. In fact, police officers and security guards are also advised to use them in repressing an attacker temporarily. But before you can use this item, you may need to undergo necessary training procedure on how to properly use them.

Security Guard Boots

Working as a security guard, you will be spending most of your duty hours walking around and standing throughout the entire time. As a result, this often lead to an aching leg down to your foot. A good solution into this problem is to wear a good pair of high quality security guard boots.

Maglite Flashlight

If you are assigned during the night-shift period then it is important that you need to carry a flashlight. You won't be able to inspect dark areas without it.

The most recommended flashlight for security guards are the Maglites. Those with long handles that can be used as a defensive device against any unsuspecting attackers. The best part is that, there is no required special training for carrying maglites. But, there are training programs that you can optionally enroll which teaches the use of such devices for self-defense purposes.

Security Guard Gears

Moreover, if it happens that there is a certain important security guard gear that you would like to add on the list above, feel free to suggest them on the Comment Form provided below.


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